Biodiversity also supplies indirect services to humans which are often taken for granted.
These include drinkable water, clean air, and fertile soils. The loss of populations,
species, or groups of species from an ecosystem can upset its normal function and
disrupt these ecological services. Recent declines in honeybee populations may
result in a loss of pollination services for fruit crops and flowers
Biodiversity provides medical models for research into solving human health problems.
For example, researchers are looking at how seals, whales, and penguins use oxygen
during deep-water dives for clues to treat people who suffer strokes, shock, and lung
The Earth’s biodiversity contributes to the productivity of natural and agricultural
systems. Insects, bats, birds, and other animals serve as pollinators. Parasites
and predators can act as natural pest controls. Various organisms are responsible
for recycling organic materials and maintaining the productivity of soil.
Genetic diversity is also important in terms of evolution. The loss of individuals,
populations, and species decreases the variety of genes—the material needed
for species and populations to adapt to changing conditions or for new species to