although LF can be caused by three different nematodes, the infection in Haiti is most attributed to Wuchereria bancrofti and can be classified as subclinical or clinical in nature (Rosenthal, 2014). The majority of people with LF have asymptomatic infections, whereas one-third of individuals experience clinical signs and/or symptom (Rosenthal). Acute lymphangitis is the most common clinical consequence of initial filarial infection and is the result of an inflammatory response (Rosenthal). The infection is also manifested by painful lymph nodes, fever,and edema. Entry lesions, which are a common manifestation of LF in children (CDC,2014b). The web spaces of the toes should be assessed for scaling, fissuring, peeling, erosion, erythema,or maceration. In one study about clinical correlates of LF infection in a population of Haitian children, at least one maculated lesion with involvement of four or more interdigital toe web spaces were clinical assessed in 128 of 192 children in the sample (fox et al ., 2005)