With a *domuh*, the two of them dived on top of Diablo.
If he didn’t have a level 150 body, he probably would have let out a voice that sounded like a crushed frog.
Rem protested.
「Wh, what are you thinking!? Are you trying to hit Diablo up!?」
「Sorry……It’s just, I’m suuuper happy.」
In fact, it was stranger to think that he wouldn’t wake up with that just now.
Since it seem like they thought he hadn’t woken up yet, Diablo continued to pretend to be asleep.
The two of them continued to talk on top of him.
「……You’re happy?」
「I mean, I’m sure that Diablo will be able to go “papah!” and resolve your problem in a snap」
「……You say that so simply.」
「I also need to do my best! Since I’m going to start a cafe, I’m going to need money, right? As I thought, I’ll continue being an Adventurer!」
「……Very well. Although I think that you are more suited to the bow and arrow……If you still aim to be a Summoner, I’ll first assist you so that you will be able to acquire your first Summoned Beast.」
「I already have Diablo as my first one, don’t I?」
「Same to you, Rem. If you don’t summon one as strong as Diablo, you’re going to immediately lose to me, you know?」
「……I can’t understand you. Exactly when did Diablo become your Summoned Beast……Please theoretically make the causation clear, and prove that you and Diablo are bound by a two-way contract.」
「Eh, today, I kind of……had a fluffy feeling, and I thought that there was no mistaking it anymore, you see?」
「……Wasn’t that just you having a flower garden spreading out in your head.」
「I wonder?」
「……Go to sleep already. I also need to get up early tomorrow after all.」
While yawning, Rem took her original position on top of the bed. She lied down on Diablo’s right side.
However, Shera was still clinging on to Rem.
「I don’t wanna~.」
Rem talked sounding gloomy.
「……You go on the left side, don’t you? We should have decided that Diablo’s left side was your place.」
This was the first time that Diablo, the person in question, had known that they had made such an agreement.
However, Shera wouldn’t separate from her.
「It’s fine! Because, today, I’m going to sleep close to you, Rem!」
「……You’re getting annoying.」
「Why you~……If you say that, then I’m going to do this!」
「ッ!? Y, you, how could you grab a person’s ears like that!? Nn, just what are you thinking!?」
「For a while, I’ve been wanting to try and touch them~.」
That feeling, it was something she knew very well.
Rem trembled her body with at twitch.
「Han!? No……way……Even though only Diablo, had done this to me!」
「Eh!? You had this done to you by Diablo? Like this? Was it like this? Though, today, I also had it done to me……」
「What was that!? Ah, was it at the Slave Shop!?」
「That’s it, you see……Just like this, right at the stomach area……」
「Higuh!? Why, are you reproducing it with my stomach!?」
「And then……he put some magical power……」
「Magical power!?」
「Nn~……also……Since I was only watching as well, I have never poured magical power before. How was it again? Was it like this?」
「S, sto, stop it righ……Nn! Nnnn!!」
「That’s it, it felt great, and I totally let out that kind of voice~.」
「Kuh……You stupid Sheraaa nhaaaaa…………ッ!?」
「Ah, so this is what it means to pour in magical power. The part below the stomach, it become warm, doesn’t it. And then, this is where the real part starts……」
Rem had her body trembling.
That trembling was transmitted to his shoulder that she was touching.
Diablo was already no longer sleeping.
After Rem had raised a scream and fallen asleep as if she had fainted and after Shera had gone to sleep from the tired feeling of releasing MP──
Diablo was anguished all by himself, and was unable to sleep until morning.