More than 90% of 15- to 19-year-olds (and half of
all adults) describe their pregnancies as being unintended.
More than half of unintended adolescent
pregnancies end in induced or spontaneous abortion,
43,44 compared with 35% of adolescent pregnancies
overall.21 On the other hand, some adolescent
pregnancies are intended, and some young women
are motivated to become pregnant and have children.
Similar to adults, adolescents give many reasons
for wanting to have children; the reason that
some adolescents are motivated to be mothers at an
early age is unclear.1 Recent data suggest that many
young women are ambivalent about becoming pregnant,
and this is associated with less consistent and
less effective contraceptive use
More than 90% of 15- to 19-year-olds (and half ofall adults) describe their pregnancies as being unintended.More than half of unintended adolescentpregnancies end in induced or spontaneous abortion,43,44 compared with 35% of adolescent pregnanciesoverall.21 On the other hand, some adolescentpregnancies are intended, and some young womenare motivated to become pregnant and have children.Similar to adults, adolescents give many reasonsfor wanting to have children; the reason thatsome adolescents are motivated to be mothers at anearly age is unclear.1 Recent data suggest that manyyoung women are ambivalent about becoming pregnant,and this is associated with less consistent andless effective contraceptive use
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