Fig. 2. Adsorbed amount of PCDDs and PCDFs on activated carbon at various initial
3.2. Dosage
The adsorption of PCDD/Fs on activated carbon was further investigated, conducting experiments with various dosages (0.02 g,0.10 g, 0.51 g) of activated carbon. The liquid/solid ratios were 3.5 L/g, 0.7 L/g, 0.14 L/g respectively. Since dioxins are present attrace-level only, their concentration is difficult to control accurately at the same level for each experiment. So in this series of experiments, the concentrations of PCDDs in 70 ml n-hexane vary in the range of 0.86 × 103 –1.15 × 103 ng/L, while those of PCDFs amount to 2.97 × 103 –3.41 × 103 ng/L.