In summary, this study indicates that some AQP isoforms (AQP8 and
AQP3, in a lesser extent) are able to funnel H2O2across the plasma
membrane in the acute leukaemia B1647 cell line. Indeed, our data sug-gest that AQP8, but not AQP1, is able to transport Nox-generated H2O2
through cellular membranes affecting downstream redox signalling
pathways mediated by H2O2. Recent reports demonstrate that AQP iso-forms affect angiogenesis, cell migration and metastasis in a variety of
cancer cells; however, the suggested mechanisms do not include
H2O2-facilitated transport across plasma membrane by AQP[47]. Our
findings, for thefirst time, ascribe to AQP (AQP8, in particular) an im-portant role in H2O2-mediated redox signalling linked to leukaemia
cell proliferation. Therefore, the development of new drugs targeting
specific AQP isoforms might be an interesting novel anti-leukaemia