* Improved RTBL settings.
* Goods prices changed for realistic costs mod switch.
* Ship reductions done, now less than 100 ships.
* Ship rates changed.
* Ship speeds, lowed for more realistic speeds.
* Ship turning speeds reduced to be more acceptable.
* Cannon/culverine HP increased.
* Moon texture changed.
* Sea calmness changed.
* Can't go to shore after starting as pirate nation = fixed
* Cannon/culverine ranges increased.
* Red Leg Greaves starts with ship "Schooner".
* Jerremy Pitt starts with ship "Empress".
* Can't load texture resource exturesWORLDMAPINTERFACESEVENTBKG.TGA.tx = fixed
* Can't load texture resource exturesWORLDMAPINTERFACESBUTTON.TGA.tx = fixed
* Almost all features from GOF 1.2 included now.