c) The governmental grants will be accounted as revenues, when the receivables are
received. Although IAS/IFRS includes in IAS 20
“Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance” special
stipulations related to government grants, IASB was forced to create separated stipulations for
their accounting, due to the fact that agricultural government grants are becoming more and
more frequent. Offering unconditional grants is not corrected by any restrictive stipulation;
they are conditioned when their offering depends onat least 3 requirements: for example, the
government stipulates the land to be exploited for 3 years; if this condition is not fulfilled, the
grant must be reimbursed. The unconditional government grants are recognized as revenue
only when the grant becomes receivable. The conditional grants, such as those given for
ceasing an agricultural activity will be registered as revenues when the conditions corrected
with the grants are fulfilled, and chargeable revenue is registered for the grant donor. The IAS
41 refers only to the grants that are given for biological assets evaluated at fair value, minus
estimated costs at the sale point. The biological assets grants, as they are registered with
historical analyzed costs, are treated according with IAS 20.