I do not know what you think.The answer I have for you. But I think I answered your best. I do not want to give hope to you, without knowing what you want from me is
I do not know
but that's what's most important I will find you really do not.I do not dare to hope again because I fear disappoint.
Even you yourself in my opinion
You're still not sure too. to come and meet with me really.
I admit I had concerns and was worried about you when you Disappear or did not receive a reply from you.
Sometimes I try Mind spell of nostalgia and concern for you, I'm trying to think of a dream. Told myself to get up from there, but a lot more effort. But even to think. And more concerned
I should really wake up now? Little boy
What I think and say to you, I know you probably think I am a woman are it was shameless, but I will not be angry if you think like that, but I just wanted to say what I think it does not Inconclusive in my heart and my feelings anymore.
Every word and every feeling that I have for you.but it is all true and sincere. from me
And everything I say and tell you this right now.I do not hope and never thought.To beg you to love and pity me.
But I ask you, before you to go you say goodbye to me really helped me. That's what I want from you
Please do not go without say goodbye to me. Little boy