Dear Khun Thaweesak,
Your claim settlement proposal has been rendered to the insured, TSF, accountable person and it causes the insured discontent especially the proportional allocation 50% over the replacement area in which TSF feels that they have been exploited by the insurer.
As the replacements were completely done and it was out of question to verify the replaced extents why Tokio/Mclarens has not honored the TSF official information provided in the document. This seemingly implies that TSF data is unreliable by the insurer view point and opposed to the utmost good faith of insurance principle. TSF is a reputable organization and not necessary to make up the figures to get a lucrative settlement.
The settlement proposed is totally unacceptable by TSF authority and the insured officials will groom for the next meeting to deeply discuss of any skepticisms that you or the insurer feel unclear in order to the reach the agreeably revised settlement.