May Nationwide This is the holiest of all Buddhist religious marking the birth, days enlightenment, and death of the Lord Buddha. As on Magha Puja. temples through out country are crowded with who listen to sermons by revered monks. During the evening, there are solemn candlelight processions around major chapels. Theravada Buddhism is the professed religion of approximately 95% of all Thais, and casts strong influences on daily life. Buddhism first appeared in Peninsular Thailand during the third B(Before century Siam or Thailand was found) at Nakorn Pathom, presently the site of the world's tallest Buddhist pagoda, after the Indian Buddhist Emperor Asoka or Ashoke(227 267 BC) dispatched missionaries to South-East Asia to propagate the newly established faith. There is a weekly Buddhist holy day, or Sabbath, which changes according to the cycles of the lunar calendar, but Thai Buddhists celebrate three important holy days each year, in which names is included the word puja' or to pay homage.