Keywords Litchi . Pectinase . Litchi juice concentrate .
Vacuum concentration . Quality . Storage stability
Litchi (Litchi chinensis L) is a tropical fruit grown in Northern
part of India especially in the Muzaffarpur district of
Bihar. Production of litchi fruits in India was estimated to
be 3.68 million tonnes during the year 2004–2005 (NHB
2006). The fruits are available during a short season of 2
months. The shelf-life of litchi fruit is 4–6 days at room
temperature (25–32°C). The fruits are mainly consumed
as fresh and to some extent they are processed into canned
litchi, litchi beverage and litchi squash, by processing industries
located near the growing regions.
Quality and discoloration of litchi juice from 4 litchi cultivars
‘Desi’, ‘Calcutta’, ‘Rose scented’ and ‘Late Bedana’
was reported by Jain et al. (1988) and squash prepared from
‘Calcutta’ cultivar was found to be stable during 9 months
storage whereas squash from cultivar ‘Late Bedana’ developed
pink discoloration within 3 months storage at
28–39°C. The evaluation of 4 litchi cultivars grown in Uttar
Pradesh, India indicated that ‘Rose scented’ variety had
highest soluble solids (19°Brix), titrable acidity (0.25%),
reducing sugar (9.2%) and total sugars (12.6%) (Tripathi
et al. 1987). Litchi pulp heated to 85°C and added with 500
ppm SO
and 1% citric acid could be stored for 6 months at
25–35°C and 12 months at 4–5°C (Sethi 1985).
Keywords Litchi . Pectinase . Litchi juice concentrate .
Vacuum concentration . Quality . Storage stability
Litchi (Litchi chinensis L) is a tropical fruit grown in Northern
part of India especially in the Muzaffarpur district of
Bihar. Production of litchi fruits in India was estimated to
be 3.68 million tonnes during the year 2004–2005 (NHB
2006). The fruits are available during a short season of 2
months. The shelf-life of litchi fruit is 4–6 days at room
temperature (25–32°C). The fruits are mainly consumed
as fresh and to some extent they are processed into canned
litchi, litchi beverage and litchi squash, by processing industries
located near the growing regions.
Quality and discoloration of litchi juice from 4 litchi cultivars
‘Desi’, ‘Calcutta’, ‘Rose scented’ and ‘Late Bedana’
was reported by Jain et al. (1988) and squash prepared from
‘Calcutta’ cultivar was found to be stable during 9 months
storage whereas squash from cultivar ‘Late Bedana’ developed
pink discoloration within 3 months storage at
28–39°C. The evaluation of 4 litchi cultivars grown in Uttar
Pradesh, India indicated that ‘Rose scented’ variety had
highest soluble solids (19°Brix), titrable acidity (0.25%),
reducing sugar (9.2%) and total sugars (12.6%) (Tripathi
et al. 1987). Litchi pulp heated to 85°C and added with 500
ppm SO
and 1% citric acid could be stored for 6 months at
25–35°C and 12 months at 4–5°C (Sethi 1985).
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