An Introduction to MARC21 and How It Is Meant To Work in Your Library Automation System
Course Description:
This course is a beginner's introduction to MARC21 and how it is meant to work in a library automation system. It explains what the MARC21 standards are and how those standards tie in with our past and current cataloging rules (ISBD, AACR, and RDA) to help catalogers create data that will function effectively in a library catalog.
Intended audience:
Directors, reference people, acquisitions people, copy catalogers, beginning catalogers, and experienced but untrained catalogers
Anticipated goal:
At the conclusion of this workshop, you should understand the importance of all of the coding in a MARC21 record, and how that coding affects the proper functioning of your library catalog
Recommended prerequisite:
None; this is the first workshop in the TMQ cataloging training series
Required text:
None; a detailed handout will be provided.
Deborah Fritz