Firstly, we may ask you to renew the credit facilities agreement using balance in account number 1 following to the article 3.b on your latest letter. We believe that Mrs. Anchalee will give no comments in this matter since she may only concern about her benefits. In addition, Mrs. Anchalee has no responsibility and does not give any decision since the beginning, as she did not invest any assets. According to these reasons, Mrs. Anchalee has no incentive to pay attention to how Trust's doing which the Trust's superintendent may know about this fact very well.
We understand your difficulty in making decision for many matters involving to the Trust. However, we confirm that our client has done every process correctly and within his scope of authority to withdraw cash from the Trustee. Our client's action has no effect on the other beneficiary - which is only Mrs. Anchalee, not the other two offspring as the two offspring will be beneficiaries only after our client or Mrs. Anchalee’s decease. Notwithstanding, our client and Mrs. Anchalee are now still alive so the two offspring may not receive any benefits, which means they are not beneficiaries of the Trust. In this regards, our client has authority to deposit, withdraw or perform any suitable steps in the Trust and we may ask you to consider about this fact.
Lastly, if you still cannot perform our client’s request to make a withdrawal, we may ask you to go for court judgement at the soonest. If our client sustains any damage from the delay which should not happen, all stakeholders might have liabilities for the damage caused from the delay.