Fig. 1D shows the starch granules after heat treatment of the suspen-sion in water (15 min, 90 °C) and addition of artificial saliva, showing no breakdown of the granules through the action of the a-amylase. Shi and Trzasko (1997) stated that as a consequence of physical modification of the starch under preferred conditions of thermal treatment, linear chains within granules realign themselves in a more orderly manner, thus making it more difficult for the amylase to attack, and that the resulting granular, high-amylose starch showed a peak gelatinization temperature greater than 110 °c. High hydrostatic pressure treatments also lead to increased crystalline perfection in the granules (Ashogbon & Akintayo, 2014). In the present study, the starch was added to the milk during the heating step (85 °C) prior to cooling and inoculation and no higher temperatures were applied.