Study design, settings and participants
A facility based cross-sectional study was carried out in
diabetic clinic at Jimma University Teaching Hospital
(JUTH), Southwest Ethiopia from February 14 to April
9, 2014. he hospital serves the rural, urban and semi-
urban areas. Drug Administration and Control Authority
of Ethiopia Contents [18], a guideline similar with Inter-
national Diabetes Federation clinical guideline [3] were
followed for diagnosis and classiication of DM. he study
was conducted among T2DM adult patients (≥18 years)
who were on active follow up for at least four visits. he
required sample size was calculated via OpenEpi soft-
ware using single population proportion calculation for-
mula using the following assumptions: 58.2 % prevalence
rate of poor glycemic control [19], 95 % conidence level
5 % margin of error and 10 % non-response rate. Consid-
ering a correction formula, the total calculated sample
yielded 325. Using sampling frame of DM records, simple
random sampling technique was used to recruit the study
participants (Fig. 1).
Variables of the study and measurement