There are two levels in the education system is basic education and higher education.
1. basic education consists of The study, which is not less than twelve years before the higher education level. Levels and types of basic education, as defined in the ministerial levels, or equivalent level of education outside the formal education system, as defined in the rules of the Ministry of.
A study on the basic education system is divided into three levels.
1.1 the study before the elementary education is provided to children aged 3-6 years.
1.2 elementary education. Typically, it takes six classes a year
1.3 secondary education is divided into two levels:
-Junior secondary level education. Normally, it takes 3 years.
-High school education usually takes 3 years, divided into two categories. Is as follows:
A study of the ordinary type 1) education as the basis for further study at higher education level.
2 types of vocational education is education) to develop knowledge and skills in a career or advanced study in the next career level.
2. higher education is divided into two levels lower than the Bachelor and master the use of word "education" rather than "University" is to provide a comprehensive education, vocational or study degrees after completing basic education.
This nine-year compulsory education to children who are seven years approach of age enrolled in basic education until the age of sixteen years approach, except the ninth grade test of compulsory age counting rules and procedures, as set out in the rules of the Ministry of.