As much as I'd like to think I'm past all the raging lust of my adolescence, I've humbly come to understand that I'm just as, if not more, hormonally unstable today than I ever imagined I would be. Adding fuel to the flame here, I hail from possibly the world's most dangerous place for a young woman with a particular vulnerability for good looks.
You may have heard of such a place - it's a mystical land that exports nothing short of impeccably bronzed six-packs, perfectly positioned hair strands, and tear-inducing jawlines that truly make your self-esteem take a turn for the worse.
That's right, guys - I'm a devout fangirl who pledges her allegiance to the fabled K-pop stratosphere with all her heart. But in the presence of all the near-perfect men in the industry, it can be so easy to forget the stunning women who carry half the K-pop weight on their shoulders.
So momentarily, we're going to bid adieu to the fine men of K-pop and talk about the ladies, which, truthfully, doesn't happen nearly enough.
But before we commence with the onslaught of my treasured girl crushes, you might be wondering - "Wait, what exactly is a girl crush?"