2.3. Cultures
S. bovis JB1 and M. elsdenii T81 were grown as pure cultures for
inoculation into the alfalfa juice. The basal medium contained (per
liter): 1.25 g yeast extract; 1.17 g each NaCl and (NH4)2SO4; 0.065 g
each CaCl22H2O and MgSO47H2O; 0.026 g each MnSO4H2O,
FeSO47H2O, and ZnSO42H2O; and 0.0026 g CoCl22H2O. This basal
medium (8.0 ml) was dispensed into Balch tubes under a CO2 gas
phase; sealed with butyl stoppers and aluminum crimp seals;
and autoclaved prior to aseptic addition of sterile, N2-gassed