through traditional database technologies. The nature of big
data is indistinct and involves considerable processes to
identify and translate the data into new insights. The term
“big data” is relatively new in IT and business. However,
several researchers and practitioners have utilized the term
in previous literature. For instance, to big data as
a large volume of scientific data for visualization. Several
definitions of big data currently exist. For instance,
defined big data as “the amount of data just beyond
technology's capability to store, manage, and process efficiently.”
Meanwhile, and defined big data as characterized
by three Vs: volume, variety, and velocity. The
terms volume, variety, and velocity were originally introduced
by Gartner to describe the elements of big data
challenges. IDC also defined big data technologies as “a
new generation of technologies and architectures, designed
to economically extract value from very large volumes of a
wide variety of data, by enabling the high velocity capture,
discovery, and/or analysis.” [10] specified that big data is not
only characterized by the three Vs mentioned above but may
also extend to four Vs, namely, volume, variety, velocity, and
value (Fig. 1, Fig. 2). This 4V definition is widely recognized
because it highlights the meaning and necessity of big data.