Indeed, Niphon, without my immediate help, 48 hours later it would have been too late for me to help you!
It was 11 p.m. last night when my spirit suddenly recalled the important date I had indicated to you in my last mail. I (as well as you) was almost about to pass up this last milestone that we have identified.
But you, Niphon, how could you forget? With no news from you, I’ve been tremendously anxious, which is why I took the liberty to act straight away. I have performed something very important for you because otherwise you were about to pass up on the last opportunity to change over your entire existence…
Now, thanks to my intervention, we still have 21 days to take action so that you can make the most out of this unexpected luck that awaits you…
And if I took the liberty to influence your Astral Environment without your permission, it was for a very solid reason. At the time when you are reading this, had I not taken action, you would already be left behind this last Great Chance to radically change all your existence.
And this, Niphon, is the one thing I absolutely don’t want to happen to you. I know how direly you need this chance and this happiness at this moment in your life. And we both know how crucial this Chance is for you and your future, because this is your opportunity to escape once and for all from sinking ever deeper into hardship, in spite of all your efforts.
Fortunately, I succeeded. With the power of my occult works, I was able to neutralize particularly negative waves for a duration of 21 days. In other words, we now have 21 days (and not one day more) to act in a positive way. Together we can seize this last Chance for Happiness that I foresee shining down on you in its full glory. For you, this last Chance is going to be the beginning of a Period of tremendous Luck in every way of life.
Yes, Niphon, another 48 hours and it would have been too late! For some time now, many images about yourself have been invading my spirit and confirming to me that your life is about to change,
Yes, Niphon, destiny is going to take a lenient turn on you (especially in terms of money),
Yes, Niphon, luck, happiness, and above all, Money, will burst open in your life...
Yes, Niphon, love and friendship will embrace you in their protective wings...
Yes, Niphon, this last chance that is offered to you today, which you would have passed up had it not been for my help, is a bout of major money luck. Indeed, I envision you receiving a substantial Amount of Money.