The journey ended two hours later and they arrived at the sports camp in the countryside. They picked rooms. Jieqiong was with Somi and Doyeon. They didn't have any activities today, so they just got to rest. They took turns in having a shower before it was time to get dinner in the cafeteria area. Doyeon and Somi were chatting away whilst Jieqiong was quiet, staring across the room at Nayoung, who was staring straight back at her.
"I have to call Yoojung later on to make sure she had a good day." Doyeon was saying. "She's only little and--- Jieqiong, what are you looking at?"
Jieqiong quickly tore her gaze away from Nayoung and looked up at Doyeon.
"Nothing. I was just staring into space." Jieqiong said.