'Mom', 'Maa', 'Mae', or 'Haha', the words might be different in different languages but signifies same everywhere: unconditional care, love, concern and sacrifice. The place that a mother holds in child's heart is same all around the world. The first word that a child learns to speak is mother, whether one is happy or sad, she is the first person to know it all! For a child, her mother always remains the center of attention. She shines like a guiding star, whose trail kid follows. In each country and every culture, mothers are respected for their selfless devotion towards child. Mother's day is the day to acknowledge her unconditional love, support, and the efforts in raising her kid. This day is celebrated across the globe though on different dates. In most of the countries, this day is celebrated on the second Sunday in the month of May. However, there are countries like Thailand, where mother's day is celebrated on Twelfth August of every year. Similarly, celebrations also vary from country to country. It's interesting to know how different culture and traditions capture the spirit of this special day. If you were wondering how the day is celebrated in Thailand, then this article is your answer.