A national office, the Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE), is responsible for the
implementation of the national education policy through preparing a national framework
curriculum and through organising national level monitoring (assessment) based on
representative samples. However, the local education providers—the municipalities—have
broad autonomy. They are responsible, with teachers, for planning local curriculum,
organising assessment, and using these data to evaluate how well the goals in the
curriculum have been achieved. According to PISA 2006 School Questionnaire data (OECD,
2007), a principal teacher and teachers feel that they are responsible for disciplinary policy
(96.0 per cent of all respondents) and for assessment policy (97.0 per cent). These
percentages are higher than the OECD averages—80.5 per cent and 76.9 per cent
respectively. The local curriculum is seen as being more of a process than a product and it
has a central role in school improvement. The role of a principal or a head teacher is
important in school development and, moreover, in the implementation of educational
policy at the local level.
A national office, the Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE), is responsible for theimplementation of the national education policy through preparing a national frameworkcurriculum and through organising national level monitoring (assessment) based onrepresentative samples. However, the local education providers—the municipalities—havebroad autonomy. They are responsible, with teachers, for planning local curriculum,organising assessment, and using these data to evaluate how well the goals in thecurriculum have been achieved. According to PISA 2006 School Questionnaire data (OECD,2007), a principal teacher and teachers feel that they are responsible for disciplinary policy(96.0 per cent of all respondents) and for assessment policy (97.0 per cent). Thesepercentages are higher than the OECD averages—80.5 per cent and 76.9 per centrespectively. The local curriculum is seen as being more of a process than a product and ithas a central role in school improvement. The role of a principal or a head teacher isimportant in school development and, moreover, in the implementation of educationalpolicy at the local level.
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