3.1. Sensory evaluation
3.1.1.Effect of oil type. Sensory scores of LF
mayonnaise were significantly (P≤0.05) affected
by oil types (table 3). The overall acceptability of
the FF mayonnaise had the highest (P≤0.05)
sensory scores followed by the LF mayonnaise
formulated with sunflower oil and soybean oil
respectively, however the lowest (P≤0.05) overall
acceptability scores were found in LF mayonnaise
formulated with sesame oil and olive oil. The LF
mayonnaise produced using sunflower oil and
soybean oil showed higher (P≤0.05) color rating
scores than that of the FF mayonnaise. This might
be attributed to the higher moisture content of the
LF mayonnaise which consequently diluted the
color of the sample producing off white color,
which was more preferred by the panelists than the
yellow color of the FF mayonnaise resulted from
the high concentration of oil. Contradictory results
were obtained by Liu, Xu
[4] who stated that the
dark yellow color of the FF mayonnaise was more
acceptable than the off white color. The lowest
(P≤0.05) color scores were found in LF
mayonnaise prepared with sesame oil and olive oil.
The color of both types was judged as
unacceptable. This might be due to the presence of
unfamiliar color shades in the oils used which led
to darker or strange color such as brownish color
in sesame oil and greenish color in olive oil.