INTRODUCTION is by the development of better varieties that are resistant
Manihot esculenta Crantz (cassava) was initially Genetic improvement of cassava is to a certain extent
introduced to Africa 400 years ago, where its cultivation limited by a poor knowledge of genetic diversity within
for food spread throughout tropical and subtropical the species. Isoenzymes have been used as a method to
regions. The second Manihot species present in estimate genetic diversity within cassava, but low
Africa, M. glaziovii Mueller Von Argau, was introduced polymorphism was detected and the technique was not
200 years ago as a source of rubber, although its reproducible [4, 5]. Studies have been conducted earlier to
distribution was less extensive. Cassava, which is assess the variability based on biometrical characters as
generally propagated vegetatively, is one of the major well as RAPD (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA)
sources of food in Africa [1]. Cassava has moved from markers [6, 7]. There is a wide range of molecular
being a subsistence crop to a full commercial crop for its techniques available to assess genetic variability of a
income generating capacity. The crop is now widely species. Due to their co-dominant inheritance, robustness
cultivated for its vast industrial potentials. Cassava has and amenability to high throughput, SSRs or
the advantage of being well adapted to a wide range of microsatellites have become a tool of choice for
environmental stresses. It grows very well in less fertile investigating important crop germplasm [8]. SSR markers
soil in contrast to many other crops that are highly have been confirmed to be the most informative and
vulnerable to environmental stresses during critical stages appropriate for cassava [9]. Perera et al. [10] also
of plant development [2], but shows different growth supported SSR markers as the most informative for plants.
behaviors in different locations as a result of variation in Useful attributes of all SSR markers are codominance
climatic and soil conditions [3]. One of the best methods (many alleles are found among closely related
to increase cassava production to serve as the main food individuals), technical simplicity, sensitivity, analytical
security and cash crop in Africa and developing countries simplicity (data are unambiguously scored and highly
to diseases, pests and drought [2].
INTRODUCTION is by the development of better varieties that are resistant
Manihot esculenta Crantz (cassava) was initially Genetic improvement of cassava is to a certain extent
introduced to Africa 400 years ago, where its cultivation limited by a poor knowledge of genetic diversity within
for food spread throughout tropical and subtropical the species. Isoenzymes have been used as a method to
regions. The second Manihot species present in estimate genetic diversity within cassava, but low
Africa, M. glaziovii Mueller Von Argau, was introduced polymorphism was detected and the technique was not
200 years ago as a source of rubber, although its reproducible [4, 5]. Studies have been conducted earlier to
distribution was less extensive. Cassava, which is assess the variability based on biometrical characters as
generally propagated vegetatively, is one of the major well as RAPD (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA)
sources of food in Africa [1]. Cassava has moved from markers [6, 7]. There is a wide range of molecular
being a subsistence crop to a full commercial crop for its techniques available to assess genetic variability of a
income generating capacity. The crop is now widely species. Due to their co-dominant inheritance, robustness
cultivated for its vast industrial potentials. Cassava has and amenability to high throughput, SSRs or
the advantage of being well adapted to a wide range of microsatellites have become a tool of choice for
environmental stresses. It grows very well in less fertile investigating important crop germplasm [8]. SSR markers
soil in contrast to many other crops that are highly have been confirmed to be the most informative and
vulnerable to environmental stresses during critical stages appropriate for cassava [9]. Perera et al. [10] also
of plant development [2], but shows different growth supported SSR markers as the most informative for plants.
behaviors in different locations as a result of variation in Useful attributes of all SSR markers are codominance
climatic and soil conditions [3]. One of the best methods (many alleles are found among closely related
to increase cassava production to serve as the main food individuals), technical simplicity, sensitivity, analytical
security and cash crop in Africa and developing countries simplicity (data are unambiguously scored and highly
to diseases, pests and drought [2].
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