Moisture content is an important property of powder, which is related to the drying efficiency. Moisture content of a microencapsulated product plays an important role in determining its flowability, stickiness and storage stability due to its effect on glass transition and crystallization behavior [21]. Moisture content of jamun juice powders varied from 3.22 to 4.18% (Table 4), which is sufficient to make food powder microbiologically safe. The moisture content of the powders increased with an increase in the inlet temperatures, which may be the due to crust formation on the drop surface. During spray drying, the drying of a drop takes place in two stages. In the first stage, most of the drying occurs as a result of free moisture vaporization from the surface of the droplet. In the second stage, drying rate is lowered as a result of crust formation at the drop surface and the concentration of unbound water to the inner part of the droplet [22]. Especially for sugar-rich products, evaporation is controlled by moisture diffusion in the crust [23].