With december comes the glimmer on her face
And I get a bit nervous
I get a bit nervous now
In the twelve months on I won't make friends with change
When everyone's perfect can we start over again
The playgrounds they get rusty and your
Heart beats another ten thousand times before
I got the chance to say I miss you
When it gets hard
I get a little stronger now I get a little braver now
image: http://static.urx.io/units/web/urx-unit-loader.gif
And when it gets dark I get a little brighter now
I get a little wiser now before I give my heart away
Well we met each other at the house of runaways
I remember it perfectly we were running on honesty
We moved together like a silver lock and key
But now that your lock has changed
I know I can't fit that way
Read more at http://www.songlyrics.com/new-empire/a-little-braver-lyrics/#SmRDIMs8i8eSRIzc.99