2.5. Effect of addition of MS components as supplements to POME
medium on growth index of H. callitrichoides
The effect of addition of full strength MS components such as
macronutrients, micronutrients, iron source, vitamins, myo-
inositol and sucrose as supplements in 1/2 strength POME medium
were studied in this experiment in order to obtain the optimum
condition for the propagation of H. callitrichoides. There were seven
different types of culture media from Media A to F that were
prepared for the tissue culture of H. callitrichoides. The composition
of culture media for tissue culture of H. callitrichoides was listed in
Table 2. The additional nutrients that introduced to 1/2 strength
POME medium as supplements were having the same concentra-
tion as those components in full strength liquid MS medium as
shown in Subsection 2.1. Each type of treatment (media A–F) was
done in 3 replicates. The media sterilisation, plant inoculums
preparation, amount of media and plant used as well as culture
conditions were same as those mentioned in the Subsection of 2.2.
Fresh weights of H. callitrichoides were measured after 15 days.
Media A and B were used as control.