When I was in the same house with my family, I never misses to my parents and my brethren, because I think also I will meet them again. But now, I must stay at dormitory Princess Chulabhorn's College Nakhon Si Thammarat, I must to stay far from them all. In the morning, No my father Wake me up to go to school, No my mother prepare breakfast to me, I did not saw my sister reading book on table and I not heard my brother called me like every day. I have to wake up to the alarm of the mobile phone. It's time to go to school, I must to check the my uniform my self because no mother to check to me. After school,I went back dormitory with fatigue. Now if I stayed at house with my family, I will walk to hug MOM and tell her how l feel, and I will. heard my brothers makes me tired. But now, I can't make it. I could only call them for to say that I miss them so much. However that I have come to live here it makes me have to know life myself, meet new friends, meet new teacher, meet new places. And the most important, education can make I repay my parents optimally.