effectiveness for each symptom cluster, the researchers
carried out the following steps: 1) The participants
were asked the type of action in the questionnaire they
used, and for what symptom distress. 2) After that,
the participants rated the effectiveness of reported
management strategies by using 5 responding choices
(getting rid of symptoms=5, relieved symptoms=4,
remaining symptoms=3, uninterpretable=2, and
worsen symptoms=1) for each symptom. 3) If they
used one management strategy for more than one
symptom, they also rated the effectiveness for other
symptoms. 4) If they listed other symptoms outside
the listed, they would also be asked the same as the
symptom on the listed. 5) The researcher calculated
the score of effectiveness of one strategy for one
symptom by summing up total score dividing by the
number of participants. A higher score means higher
effectiveness. 6) Then, all strategies were grouped
according to each symptom distress cluster.
Data Collection: Before approaching the
participants, the researcher collected information
regarding their health status in their medical record.
Those willing to participate in the study were invited
to a private room near the respiratory clinics, and the
purposes and methods of the study were explained
including ethical considerations. Informed consent
was then gained from all participants and they
were asked to fill in the general data in the PIQ.
They completed the BESC and SMSQ by themselves
over ≈30-45 minutes. In case the participants needed
assistance due illiteracy, visual problems or other
reasons, the questionnaires were read to them, and
verbal response obtained and written by the researcher
on the tools. One-hundred and sixteen persons (46.4%)
required this assistance. All questionnaires were
examined carefully to ascertain data completeness and
then coded with a number and kept in a locked cupboard.
Data Analysis: Descriptive statistics were used
to determine symptom prevalence, and distress
including type of actions and effectiveness of
management strategies for each symptom cluster. A
Principal Component Factor (PCF) with a Varimax
(orthogonal) rotation was carried out to investigate
symptom cluster.
effectiveness for each symptom cluster, the researcherscarried out the following steps: 1) The participantswere asked the type of action in the questionnaire theyused, and for what symptom distress. 2) After that,the participants rated the effectiveness of reportedmanagement strategies by using 5 responding choices(getting rid of symptoms=5, relieved symptoms=4,remaining symptoms=3, uninterpretable=2, andworsen symptoms=1) for each symptom. 3) If theyused one management strategy for more than onesymptom, they also rated the effectiveness for othersymptoms. 4) If they listed other symptoms outsidethe listed, they would also be asked the same as thesymptom on the listed. 5) The researcher calculatedthe score of effectiveness of one strategy for onesymptom by summing up total score dividing by thenumber of participants. A higher score means highereffectiveness. 6) Then, all strategies were groupedaccording to each symptom distress cluster.Data Collection: Before approaching theparticipants, the researcher collected informationregarding their health status in their medical record.Those willing to participate in the study were invitedto a private room near the respiratory clinics, and thepurposes and methods of the study were explainedincluding ethical considerations. Informed consentwas then gained from all participants and theywere asked to fill in the general data in the PIQ.They completed the BESC and SMSQ by themselvesover ≈30-45 minutes. In case the participants neededassistance due illiteracy, visual problems or otherreasons, the questionnaires were read to them, andverbal response obtained and written by the researcheron the tools. One-hundred and sixteen persons (46.4%)required this assistance. All questionnaires wereexamined carefully to ascertain data completeness andthen coded with a number and kept in a locked cupboard.Data Analysis: Descriptive statistics were usedto determine symptom prevalence, and distressincluding type of actions and effectiveness ofmanagement strategies for each symptom cluster. APrincipal Component Factor (PCF) with a Varimax(orthogonal) rotation was carried out to investigatesymptom cluster.
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