1. Run and oversee the engineering project, which requires an engineering design process, to make sure that the project is completed to required quality on time and within budget.
2. Run and oversee the maintenance and process improvement programmes to make sure that machineries, equipment and facilities are properly maintained to operate efficiently, effectively and safety, and reduce cost through efficiencies.
3. Run and oversee the environmental management programme to make sure that the company reduces its environmental impacts to align with the environmental regulations and standards, as well as increasing its operating efficiency.
4. Advise management on making engineering decisions regarding the engineering project, manufacturing processes and technologies, and environmental management system.
5. Monitor engineering key performance measures and report them to management.
6. Gather and report the status of the company’s engineering project, maintenance and process improvement programmes and environmental management system to management.
7. Act as a liaison with external parties on matters relating to the environmental management system, such as certification bodies and government agencies.