Downtime duration is consistently tracked for all assets. For key areas only the downtime cost is clearly identified. For all assets downtime causes are accurately and consistently tracked. Maintenance costs are clearly and accurately tracked for key assets only. All other maintenance costs such as energy, quality, and contractors are available. Total operation costs are compared when making decisions for all cost factors. Efficiency loss cost is available and accurate for 75% to 89% of time. Personnel are not dedicated to financial costs analysis. The majority is offered and attends supervisory training, which is offered on an infrequent or irregular basis. All maintenance planer receive one on the job training for at least one month. Maintenance planers received scheduling practices training program. General quality and productivity training includes upper management and line supervision. Formal job experience for maintenance craft training is required before hire. Formal maintenance craft employees training is provided in irregular intervals for some employee only. All training program instructors is all on the job training only. Training program instructor is done only supervisors. Quality and skill level of maintenance work force group is good and need to some improvement. Quality and skill level of supervisory group still need some improvement.