The high value of the Simpson’s index of diversity (0.8291) is an indication of richness of bird diversity in the Chandoli National Park. Some
endemic species were recorded in this area such as
Green Barbet (Stactolaema olivacea), Forest Warbler (Artisornis moreaui), Small Sunbird (Leptocoma minima) and Rock Pigeon. Such a richness
in birds species can largely be explained by the particular characteristics of the area. In fact, it includes
a network of man-made reservoirs as feeding
ground for both migratory and residential birds in
the winter period. In addition, the secure and dense
mixed forest made of big and thick trees provide
good habitat and forage for bird species; and, finally, some sugar factories provide shelter for
Swifts and Red vented Bulbuls (Nason, 1992)