There were a total of 45,990 abortion cases reviewed, of which 28.5% were classifed as induced and 71.5% as spontaneous abortions. A calculation of the hospital abortion ratio using the number of live births in the respective hos- pitals as denominators gave an induced abortion ratio of 19.5 to 1,000 live births and a sponta- neous abortion ratio of 49.1 to 1,000 live births. The total abortion ratio was 68.7 to 1,000 live births. Seasonal variation was observed in most hospitals, a similar peak in spontaneous and induced abortion ratios was seen in February and March 1999.
Of the 13,090 women with induced abortions, 47% were young women of less than 25 years of age, of which 21% were adolescents. There was a lower proportion of adolescents (13.9%) with