Privacy, for Altman, is “the selective control of access to the self” (1975, p. 24).
Privacy has five properties. Firstly, privacy involves a dynamic process of interpersonal
boundary control. Secondly, Altman differentiates desired and actual levels
of privacy. Thirdly, privacy is a non-monotonic function, with an optimal level of
privacy (desired ¼ actual level) and possibilities of too much privacy (actual >
desired level) (e.g., crowding) and too little (desired > actual level) (e.g., social
isolation). Fourthly, privacy is bi-directional, involving inputs from others (e.g.,
noise) and outputs to others (e.g., oral communication). Fifthly, privacy operates
at the individual and group level (Altman 1975; Margulis 1977).