volume expansion than the SF group [50], increasing
their susceptibility to a delayed reset. Furthermore,
abnormal levels of both relaxin and hCG have been implicated
with gastrointestinal motility and gastric dysrhythmias,
which are factors suggested to contribute to
NVP [1, 4, 13, 44, 51], although with an absence of biomarker
data in this study these associations are speculative.
The hCG-relaxin dialogue hints at the complex role
these hormones have in early pregnancy and future NVP
research should consider both hormones when designing
studies. We have been unable to find comparable studies
identifying a relationship between NVP or NP women
and PGP and severe PGP as found here, hence our study
raises new questions regarding this relationship, particularly
concerning the possible link in aetiologies for the
two conditions.
volume expansion than the SF group [50], increasingtheir susceptibility to a delayed reset. Furthermore,abnormal levels of both relaxin and hCG have been implicatedwith gastrointestinal motility and gastric dysrhythmias,which are factors suggested to contribute toNVP [1, 4, 13, 44, 51], although with an absence of biomarkerdata in this study these associations are speculative.The hCG-relaxin dialogue hints at the complex rolethese hormones have in early pregnancy and future NVPresearch should consider both hormones when designingstudies. We have been unable to find comparable studiesidentifying a relationship between NVP or NP womenand PGP and severe PGP as found here, hence our studyraises new questions regarding this relationship, particularlyconcerning the possible link in aetiologies for thetwo conditions.
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