Background—Lorcaserin is a selective 5-HT2C agonist evaluated for weight management in clinical trials. Echocardiographic
monitoring was conducted to test the hypothesis that selective 5-HT2C agonism would avoid valvular heart disease.
Methods and Results—Echocardiographic and weight change data from 5249 obese and overweight patients in 3 phase 3
trials were integrated. Treatment duration with 10 mg lorcaserin twice daily or placebo was 52 weeks. The proportions
of patients who developed Food and Drug Administration–defined valvulopathy (≥ mild aortic or ≥ moderate mitral
regurgitation) and changes in regurgitant grade at each heart valve were evaluated. Possible associations between weight
or body mass index change and valvulopathy were explored. New valvulopathy was present in 2.04% of placebo and
2.37% of lorcaserin recipients at 52 weeks (risk difference, 0.33%; 95% confidence interval, −0.46 to 1.13; risk ratio, 1.16
[all patients with sufficient echocardiographic data, last-observation-carried-forward imputation] or 1.03 [patients who
completed 52 weeks]). Changes in weight and body mass index were negatively associated with presence of valvulopathy
at week 52 (P=0.02 and P=0.04, respectively); a 5% decrease in weight was associated with an odds ratio of 1.15 for Food
and Drug Administration–defined valvulopathy. Most changes in regurgitation were ±1 grade in both treatment groups
at all heart valves.
Conclusions—In 3 prospective placebo-controlled trials with integrated data for 5249 patients, the rate of echocardiographic
valvulopathy was similar with lorcaserin and placebo. Point estimates for risk ratios ranged from 1.03 to 1.16 and may be
at least partially influenced by greater weight loss in the lorcaserin group than in the placebo group
Background—Lorcaserin is a selective 5-HT2C agonist evaluated for weight management in clinical trials. Echocardiographicmonitoring was conducted to test the hypothesis that selective 5-HT2C agonism would avoid valvular heart disease.Methods and Results—Echocardiographic and weight change data from 5249 obese and overweight patients in 3 phase 3trials were integrated. Treatment duration with 10 mg lorcaserin twice daily or placebo was 52 weeks. The proportionsof patients who developed Food and Drug Administration–defined valvulopathy (≥ mild aortic or ≥ moderate mitralregurgitation) and changes in regurgitant grade at each heart valve were evaluated. Possible associations between weightor body mass index change and valvulopathy were explored. New valvulopathy was present in 2.04% of placebo and2.37% of lorcaserin recipients at 52 weeks (risk difference, 0.33%; 95% confidence interval, −0.46 to 1.13; risk ratio, 1.16[all patients with sufficient echocardiographic data, last-observation-carried-forward imputation] or 1.03 [patients whocompleted 52 weeks]). Changes in weight and body mass index were negatively associated with presence of valvulopathyat week 52 (P=0.02 and P=0.04, respectively); a 5% decrease in weight was associated with an odds ratio of 1.15 for Foodand Drug Administration–defined valvulopathy. Most changes in regurgitation were ±1 grade in both treatment groupsat all heart valves.Conclusions—In 3 prospective placebo-controlled trials with integrated data for 5249 patients, the rate of echocardiographicvalvulopathy was similar with lorcaserin and placebo. Point estimates for risk ratios ranged from 1.03 to 1.16 and may beat least partially influenced by greater weight loss in the lorcaserin group than in the placebo group
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