The parboiling process was found to impart the increased protein, lipids and ash content of rice kernel (Sareepuang et al.,
2008). The chemical composition also differed due to different parboiling processes. For example, parboiled rice produced with high
soak water temperature was reported to be less in lipid content
(Sareepuang et al., 2008), higher in thiamine content (Chukwu
and Oseh, 2009) but experienced higher starch leaching (Han and
Lim, 2009). Whereas, the increasing steaming period decreased
protein, calcium, iron and sodium but increased the fat, total ash
and crude fibre content in parboiled rice (Ibukun, 2008).
The chemical composition at a molecular level significantly
influences the characteristics of the cooked parboiled rice that
the consumer will ultimately base their preferences on. The following is a review of known changes to the composition and structure
that occurs within the kernel.