Thorax preserved in ventral aspect. Boundaries between
prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax indistinct.
Prothorax rather short, narrowed, rounded anteriorly.
Anterior lateral cervical sclerite large, pear-shaped, with
very broad posterior rounded part, and short, narrow
anterior narrower part of ‘pear’ (poorly visible); well
extending beyond sides of prothorax; with long, quite
dense, laterally directed hairs. Posterior lateral cervical
sclerite, episternum (= propleuron) hard to discriminate;
this united structure elongate, with long, quite dense,
directed laterally hairs in anterior part. Basisternum
small, narrow, with short median longitudinal ridge;
rather strongly sclerotized area present anterior to basisternum;
narrow precoxal bridge connecting strongly
sclerotized area anterior to basisternum and episternum
present. Furcasternum indistinct, weakly sclerotized.