NIST followed a similar approach in their forensic study of WTC 1, 2 & 7 [3, 4] but using video
images to calibrate the model. While this approach can provide an accurate description a posteriori, it cannot be used for
design. The method developed by Rein et al. [37] offers a further methodology that divides the compartment into near and far field. The result is a family of curves that pose different challenges to the design. Again though, this method uses models and simplifications that have not been validated for or developed within the framework of the open plan scenarios typically posed by tall buildings and indeed the majority of modern infrastructure. Nevertheless, the industrial entities that drove the creation of these works have adopted them in state-of-the-art fire safety engineering practice under the justification that such tools are essential to define true building performance. A lack of investment in fundamental research however means that as a community, we are still unable to establish if this current state-of-the-art represents true progress.