Carotenoprotei n from shells of Paci fic white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei ) w as extract ed
with the aid of proteases from hep atopancreas of the same species at various levels
(5 – 30 unit s/g shrimp shell) for differen t times (0 – 180 min). Recovery of carotenop rotein
increased with increasing protease levels and hydrolysis times, but mainly reached the
plateau at 120 min of hydro lysis. Carotenoprotein contained astaxan thin and astaxanthin-diester as major carotenoids. Carotenoids extracted from carotenoprot ein showed increas-ing ABTS, DPPH radical scave nging activities, FRAP and metal chelating activity when the
concentrations increased up to 5 mg/ml (p o0.05). Carotenop rotein consiste d of 73.5 8%
protein, 21.87% lipids and 2.63% ash conte nts. It was rich in essent ial amino acids and Asp/
Asn and Glu/Gln were found as domina nt amino acids. Therefore, caro tenoprotein from
shell of Paci fi c white shrimp could be successfully extract ed using shrimp hep atopancreas
proteases and could serve as the value-add ed nu tritive food ingredients or as the
animal feed .
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