Ariel: Eric, you've got to get away from here.
Eric: No, I won't leave you.
Ursula: (Now very large.) You pitiful, insignificant, fool!
Eric: Look out!
Ursula: Now I am the ruler of all the ocean! The waves obey my every whim!
The sea and all its spoils bow to my power! (She wrecks havoc, creates a
whirlpool and raises some shipwrecks.)
Ariel: ERIC! (He gets on board one of the ships as Ariel falls to the bottom
of the whirlpool. Ursula attempts to blast her.)
Ursula: (Laughing wickedly.) So much for true love! (As Ursula is about to
finish Ariel, Eric steers the ship into her. She is impaled and dies most
horribly. Eric collapses on the shore. The trident falls back to Triton and
everything reverts to normal.)