Pasteurization is also a mild heat treatment given to foods, with the purpose of destroying selected vegetative microbial species (especially the pathogens) or inactivating the enzymes. Because the process does not eliminate all vegetative bacteria and almost none of the spore formers pasteurized foods need to be contained and stored under conditions of refrigeration, with or without chemical additives or modified atmosphere packaging, to minimize microbial growth. Depending on the type of product, the shelf life of pasteurized foods can range from several days (milk) to several months (fruit juices). Because only mild heat treatment is involved, the sensory characteristics and nutritive value of the food are minimally affected. The severity of the heat treatment and the length of storage depend on the nature of the product, pH conditions, the sensitivity of the product, and the type of application of the heat. Some of these are summarized below (Table
PASTEURIZATIONPasteurization is also a mild heat treatment given to foods, with the purpose of destroying selected vegetative microbial species (especially the pathogens) or inactivating the enzymes. Because the process does not eliminate all vegetative bacteria and almost none of the spore formers pasteurized foods need to be contained and stored under conditions of refrigeration, with or without chemical additives or modified atmosphere packaging, to minimize microbial growth. Depending on the type of product, the shelf life of pasteurized foods can range from several days (milk) to several months (fruit juices). Because only mild heat treatment is involved, the sensory characteristics and nutritive value of the food are minimally affected. The severity of the heat treatment and the length of storage depend on the nature of the product, pH conditions, the sensitivity of the product, and the type of application of the heat. Some of these are summarized below (Table
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