The new flavors at Woodfield Mall will include:
Almond CaramelCrisp Mocha: Made with 72 percent dark chocolate, medium French Roast coffee and almond CaramelCrisp infused 2 percent milk
Almond CaramelCrisp Dark Hot Chocolate: Made with 72 percent dark chocolate and almond CaramelCrisp infused 2 percent milk
Cashew CaramelCrisp White Hot Chocolate: Made with white chocolate and cashew CaramelCrisp infused 2 percent milk
CaramelCrisp Infused Coffee: Made with freshly ground medium French Roast beans and CaramelCrisp infused syrup
Hand-Dipped Nut CaramelCrisp Clusters: Garrett Nut Caramel Clusters dipped in either milk or dark chocolate