The Mass Rapid Transit Authority (of Thailand),or MRTA (or usaully just MRT) is a work of engineering genius.Although at present there's only one line,the MRTA takes you from northem Bangkok(Bang Sue-near a railway connection) to just sonth of the centre (Hua Lum Phong-Bangkok's main railway station) at a Phenomenal rate. The other station where you can join the BTS from the MRT is Asoke. There is simply no aspect of this undergronud railway system that isn't impressive. One question you will ask yourself is why the stations need to be so big. They and genuinely big;adsolutely enormous-akin to what most people imagine sophisticated underground nuclear shelters might look like! They are though ultra modern-MRT stations ooze glass,chrome, and steel giving them a very futuristic look. payment for your jumry is easy. You just put moneyin the machines and you receire a small, black disc. Altematively, you can purchase a smart card and contnually recharge the card. Tap the disc or smarl card on a small window at the barrier and you gain entry into the statiom. Then take the escalators down into the bowels of the earth to pick up your ride. when the trains arrive doors slide open to allow people on and off. the cost of the MRT obriously depends on number of stations you visit. Like the BTS there are a number of speeial deals arailable for visitors.