ased on the photos provided, we are not able to determine the discrepancy/damage on the LP impeller as the photos are taken too far away. Would you be able to provide photos that are nearer which shows the damages on the LP impeller? Borescope photos will be much appreciated.
You can also refer to the limits as per the PW127F EMM > chapter 72-00-00 > engine - inspection/check - 1 > para 8. low pressure and high pressure impellers - foreign object damage > A. LP impeller. Do also note that blending is allowed on the LP impeller if the damages found are within the stipulated blending limits and that the engine is not having any operational malfunction (ie surges, unusual compressor whining, etc).
Also if the damages found on the LP impeller can be blended, do inspect the HP impeller first before reworking damaged LP impeller to determine if engine replacement is required.