The bar chart displays the number of people living in cities (in percentage) in each continent from three different years: 1950, 2007, and 2050.
Overall, it can be seen that every pattern of each part was a noticeable increase. According to the data of Africa and Asia, the patterns were alike climbing double in each year. Both of them were the least of the population in the world, which accounted for 42 percent and 49 percent, respectively. In comparison with Latin America/Caribbean, there was a dramatical change. The number of population will rise from 42 percent to 89 percent. Another continent, the pattern was a substantial go up is Europe. The figure was 51 percent in 1950, 72 percent in 2007, and 84 percent in 2050. On the other hand, the pattern of North America grew slightly by 26 percent over 100 years, but it had the most population in the world.