Instead of the death Tania was waiting for, a warm silky feeling cross her cunt shocked her. She looked “up” the wolf’s tongue was lapping on her private parts, warm and she had to admit it felt good. “Ahh! NO!” a flash of pain came from inside, the tongue swept into the area nothing ever entered. With slight anger and shame,she tried to kick the wet wolf away. Yet the warm tongue did not respond to the protest, a pair of powerful claws grabbed the feline’s kicking legs and pulled them further apart. “Na!ahaa” Tania hissed as she felt her legs almost been pulled away, yet the warm tongue kept digging into her like a living tentacle, soon she started to moan in pleasure instead of resisting it. Meanwhile she started to smell some kind of flower, sweet and she body started to feel… hot… squirts of fluid leaked out from her deep inside as she moaned out louder. The wolf’s tongue grinding the inside of the vagina, as a simple message appeared on the wolf’s HUD “Target subdued, starting assimilation process…” the wolf thrust down a bit and bumping his hard rod on the feline’s maw and rubbing on her whiskers. Tania was defeated.Her “dream male” was making an irresistible invitation while eating her from below. Throwing all the weird things that happened earlier out of her mind, Tania submitted to her female nature, grabbing the rubber knot at the base of the big rod and tried hold it in her tiny maw, sucking on it. The wolf knew his plan worked as he held on to the female’s sides, pinned her down with both of his paws and jerked his cock downdeep in her throat and started to eject nanite rich lube into the subject. The Jaguar was surprised the wolf came so fast, and didn’t want to swallow the fishy liquid, but soon it started to taste like the liquid food she drank before. With the help of her hunger the female held the knot with both of her paws and gulped for more, some liquid spilled out and splattered on the ground, shiny under the moon with a slight blue glow. “Phase one completed, commencing phase two……” the wolf raised his rump up pulling the black wolf meat out of the lusty jaguar who still holding her paws on the knot and sucking on it like a cub holding onto her mother's nipples. The wolf growled certainly not enjoying it, and the knot unnaturally shrank like deflating a balloon. The female lost her grip on it and whined like anunsatisfied cub, but didn’t know why.The only thought she had was “more… more please. I want more of that in me”. Pleased with the female’s proactive attitude,the wolf grinned, his inner self made a slight alteration in the program, small enough the Neural Override did not detect it. He grabbed the female by her knees and flipped her up right, press her against the trunk while holding on her legs, exposing the wet pink cunt hidden deep between the black jaguar’s legs. The wolf attacked, pinning the smaller jaguar below him while the sheath thrust the wolfhood right in to the hungering female. To Tania it was almost like a dream came true, she moaned in delight as the wolfmeat rapidly swelling in her while ramming in deeper and deeper. “Aha.. You big bad wolf, Ah!” She completely lost herself in the waves of pleasure she never had before. The wolf was still emotionless but one of his paws grabbed the jaguar’s paw while the thrusting became so fast the jaguar felt like her insides were melting. She wrapped her paws across the wolf’s wide back, totally ignoring the latex-like touch of the wolf’s skin she threw her body down to let the wolf hit deeper. She wanted him, wanted his wolf meat to penetrate into her womb and have his cubs. The intense pounding was like forever to her, her mind started loses and urges to pant and moan under the pleasure. “Subject close to orgasm, commencing injection…” Massage shown to the wolf’s assimilated brain, the wolf bit down on the female’s neck, the pain of the bite gave her the last hit she needed, her body throbbed as her insides sucked hard on the wolfmeat while squirts of hot fluid splattered out from the pink-purple opening making a mess on the wolf’s lower body and her black fur. The knot firmly had been grabbed by the inside of femalemaking the wolf’s seed flood her womb. Millions of nanites mixed with lube hit deep into the female. “Injecting material” Maybe due to a bug in the programming, his brain still telling the neural override pain while he started to inject marble sized raw materials through his narrow "urethral" into the female, “Meeh…!” The emotionless wolf finally had one emotion on his face. Those balls wounldhelp those nanites already inside produce more replicas. By the time the wolf unknotted her, nanites quickly sealed the opening once was the passage of new life. A rough shape of a matalic sac with two shiny metallic balls formed up like two bubbles. Those two nanite producing testicles will now keep producing nanites until the brain of the female failed or she simply run out of resources. The wolf stood up and looked down to the female, watching the process start totake place while nanites already fixed the small tear on his wolf meat and thigh, the female's futile attack did not make him lose any functions. He reached down and easily flipped the motionless female onto his back. With one paw holding the female and the other holding the heavy gun sling like nothing, the wolf headed to the old temple. Poor Tania still exhausted from the intense “mating” and days of hunger, she could only watch the wolf carry her on his back like a trophy “we… we going back?” she asked in rather faint voice, but the emotionless wolf did not have an answer, only kept on going. The jungle resumed the peace it had; the only evidence left was Tania’s cloth scraps and pools of liquids on the floor of the jungle, shining under the moon light with a little bit light blue glow of millions of nanites leaked out.