If the symptoms are as follows. Eating a banana can help to relieve the symptoms they have.
1. Depression: Bananas can help cure depression, stress, because bananas are aligned protein which helps in the production of the hormone of happiness, it has helped to relax better.
2. Anemia: Because bananas are high in iron, which helps in the production of hemoglobin in the blood bin for treatment of anemia or who is in a state of being.
3. Hypertension: Bananas are the cure for high blood pressure or capillary rupture.
4. adds power to your brain: in England with 200 students who wanted to increase the brain power to the test. During the semester They eat a proper breakfast every day. Lunch and dinner Research shows that bananas are high in potassium. It can help boost the brain and increase the willingness of students to learn. There are many benefits to homeschooling.